Fourth Phase of Consultation to Commence on Dundrum Central Project

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  • Draft Masterplan to be published for 1300 home scheme

The Land Development Agency (LDA) will shortly begin the fourth phase of public consultation for the Dundrum Central project. The consultation will start with the publication of the Draft Masterplan for the project on April 26th. Consultation will run until May 21st.

The Dundrum Central project will see circa 1300 homes, sporting and community facilities, green spaces and enhanced connectivity created at the site of the soon to be former Central Mental Hospital.

The Dundrum Central Project represents an opportunity to transform a previously closed off site into a new, open community integrated into the existing community of Dundrum. The development will be designed to respect the unique heritage of the site and provide much needed new social and affordable housing in a highly sustainable location, set within an attractive parkland setting which will enhance access to open space and recreational amenities for all.

There have been three phases of consultation to date. These have included a public online exhibition with ~2000 visits, a project website with ~3,000 unique visits, 15 meetings with community groups and resident’s associations, 200 people attending across two webinars, a community survey of over 5,000 people and over 250 submissions to the project team.

Key themes which have emerged to date include traffic and public transport capacity, green spaces, access and connectivity, height, density and scale, community infrastructure and opportunities to enhance local facilities, tenure and housing, sustainability and biodiversity, heritage, and the future of the existing wall. The feedback was extensive, constructive and varied with many contrasting points of view from different elements of the community.

The next phase of consultation will see the publication of the Draft Masterplan for the project. The Draft Masterplan will move the project from the outline ‘Concept’ plan that was presented at the third phase of consultation, to a draft masterplan proposal which will be close to the final plan. Much of what is included in the Draft Masterplan will be based on the feedback in previous stages.

The next stage of consultation will offer local residents and other stakeholders a further opportunity to make observations and suggestions in advance of the final design being completed and submitted for planning permission.

The consultation will include two public webinars, a series of meetings with residents’ associations and community groups and online resources on the project website, The Community Liaison team will be active and visible throughout the consultation phase, ready to engage with groups or individuals.

The Timetable for the next phase of consultation will be:

April 26 – Publication of Draft Masterplan and 3D models on

April 28th 7pm – Public Webinar

April 29th– May 7th – Resident Association & Stakeholder Meetings

May 5th 7pm – Public Webinar

May 21st – Draft Masterplan consultation period concludes

Webinar registration details will be available at

LDA Project Lead, Barry Chambers

The Dundrum Central project will significantly improve the availability of housing in this part of Dublin. The primary focus of the project will be on social and affordable housing, making it easier for more people to find a home – a key objective of the LDA. Additionally, it will also significantly improve the availability of community facilities and green spaces for new and existing residents.

The next phase of consultation will see a ‘close to final’ design. This has been based on significant engagement with key stakeholders and the local community. I would like to thank local residents and groups and all other stakeholders for their input to date and encourage them to participate in this next stage. We will present a Draft Masterplan next week that seeks to balance the many different views within the community and our mission to use State land to efficiently and sustainably deliver a mix of housing options.”

Following this phase of consultation, final amendments will be made where relevant, in advance of a likely planning application being submitted in the third quarter of 2021. When the application is lodged there will be an opportunity for any interested parties to make their observations or submissions to the decision-making planning body in line with the statutory process, and the details will be publicised.