Land Development Agency and Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council to lodge plans for 934 new homes at Dundrum Central

Project was originally granted permission in May 2023, however Judicial Review action has delayed construction of much needed housing in South County Dublin

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The Land Development Agency (LDA)and Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council (DLRCC) are partnering to lodge plans for 934 new homes at Dundrum Central with a Part 10 Planning Application.

An Bord Pleanála granted permission for 852 new affordable homes on the site in a decision published in May 2023, however the development cannot currently proceed due to a legal challenge, which is being defended by the LDA.

The LDA has been working in partnership with DLRCC to unlock this land and maximise the delivery of affordable and social homes on the site. The development will consist of the construction of 753 new affordable and cost rental homes and 181 social homes, significantly enhancing the housing supply in the Dundrum area.

The new plans are broadly in line with the existing permission, comprising a mix of apartments, duplexes and community homes, offering a multitude of different housing and right size options for families, first time buyers, older residents and renters. Conscious of previous concerns raised during the original consultation period, apartment building heights along the boundary have been reduced, with heights ranging from 2 to 8 storeys across the site.

The development will also provide extensive services and facilities including a community centre with indoor sports facilities, a medical centre, retail units, a café, a creche and a new public plaza. This will transform what is currently a closed 11-hectare site into a new welcoming, socially integrated, and sustainable urban community.

Information meetings and webinars outlining the plans will be held on 10th September from 10am-1pm and 12th September from 4pm-8pm in the Dundrum Library, and full information about the information stage of the Part 10 application can be viewed here : Dundrum Central

John Coleman, CEO with the Land Development Agency said,

“Dundrum Central is a flagship development for the LDA, delivering much needed affordable homes in a prime location. This project has the potential to completely transform the area, providing new community and sports facilities, retail and open green spaces for current and future residents.

“We are hopeful that through our partnership with Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, we can build on the confidence and trust earned with residents during the initial consultation process. We have worked extensively on these plans and are confident that they will deliver a vastly enhanced community in Dundrum.”

Councillor Jim O’Leary, Cathaoirleach, from Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council added,
“The importance of delivering affordable homes in Dundrum cannot be overestimated, and this development not only provides an excellent mix of high quality apartments, duplexes and houses, it also includes excellent community activities that will transform the entire Central Mental Hospital site.

“This joint approach with the Land Development Agency presents a unique opportunity to meet the housing requirements of single people, families, older people and people with additional needs, creating a diverse yet integrated community. I am encouraged by the engagement from the local community which saw the original permission granted and am hopeful that these plans will we equally well received”.

The existing planning permission for the Dundrum Central site was secured under the former SHD (Strategic Housing Developments) process. This permission is now the subject of a judicial review, which the LDA is contesting.

This new application is a Part 10 planning application and is made directly to An Bord Pleanála. The public have a period of 6 weeks from date of lodgement to make observations on the application. An Bord Pleanála may seek further information or modifications to the planning application, and if these are deemed to be material, the public are given a further three-week period to make observations.

This Part 10 application is being made by the planning authority, which in this case is Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council. The local authority has partnered with the LDA to carry out the development in its functional area and for which an Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared. The application is made under Section 175 and 177a of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended).

The Application will address the targets set out in the ‘DLRCC Housing Action Plan 2022-2026’ as well as ‘Housing for All - a New Housing Plan for Ireland’ which is the government’s housing plan to 2030. The decision will be made by An Bord Pleanála and submissions and observations can be made directly to An Bord Pleanála following lodgement of the application.

The LDA is working in conjunction with Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council on its long-term aim to develop the lands at Dundrum with a view to propose and gain a planning consent for what is a site with enormous potential to provide new affordable housing at a significant scale. The present agreed focus is to bring an amended planning application for Dundrum Central to re-ignite development on this halted project, and to provide much needed affordable and cost homes and amenities for the wider area.