LDA and Dublin City Council submit plans for over 540 homes on St. Teresa’s Gardens site
Donore project aims to provide mix of social and cost-rental housing in Dublin 8

The Land Development Agency (LDA) and Dublin City Council have today (Friday) submitted a planning application to An Bord Pleanála (ABP) for the redevelopment of the former St. Teresa’s Gardens lands in Dublin 8, providing 543 social and cost rental homes.
The site is located off Donore Avenue in the Dolphin’s Barn area of Dublin 8, adjacent to the historic Liberties and covers an area of 1.74 hectares (4.3 acres). It is next to Dublin City Council’s own development of 54 new social homes on Margaret Kennedy Road, also part of the former St. Teresa’s Gardens lands.
The planning application is being made following 3 stages of public consultation and is being brought forward by the LDA and Dublin City Council working in partnership.
Dublin City Council and the LDA have worked together to develop a mix of accommodation types, comprising of 154 social and 389 cost-rental homes. The LDA has led the development of the project through the planning process to the submission of these proposals, which have been subject to detailed consultation at each key stage of design development. Looking forward, the LDA and Dublin City Council will work with other stakeholders to develop an optimum funding and delivery plan for this strategic site, which will be subject to all required statutory approvals.
The project will progress the redevelopment of this site to deliver social and cost rental housing as part of a comprehensive plan to create a sustainable and integrated community in this area. The proposals also feature arts, culture and community spaces including a proposed creche, care/retail unit and mobility hub to support this growing neighbourhood.
In tandem with the semi-private open spaces for residents, the proposed development will see public open spaces and recreational facilities designed to complement neighbouring developments.
The Donore Project Park sits at the heart of the development, opening new routes between Donore Avenue, South Circular Road and Cork Street. The public realm is designed to encourage active lifestyles, to support resident wellbeing and provide urban greening.
LDA Head of Property, Phelim O’Neill said:
“The LDA’s commitment to growing the pipeline of social and affordable homes continues with this planning application in the heart of Dublin 8 for much needed homes in the city. We are pleased to partner with Dublin City Council and, subject to planning approval, we will be eager to advance the project to construction stage, having engaged extensively regarding the project with the local community”
Dublin City Council, Director of Housing Delivery, Dave Dinnigan said:
“Dublin City Council welcomes this important milestone in the development of the former St. Teresa’s Gardens in Dublin 8. We would like to acknowledge the work of the LDA and DCC project teams and the local community representatives and councillors in supporting the project. It will be significant scheme that will provide 543 quality public homes in the heart of the city.”
Full details of the application are available now at the dedicated website www.donoreprojectpart10.ie
The process to date is visible at the main website www.donoreproject.ie
As the planning application is now live all observations and feedback must go through the appropriate channel to the Planning Authority, in line with the statutory process.