Estimated number of homes
Current Status
Planning Application lodgment information stage
Next Step
LRD application to be lodged
Project Description
The initial development will deliver 408 high quality, A rated one, two and three bed apartments, ranging in height from three to seven storeys. Landscaped courtyards, a roof terrace, a 1433 square metre public park and a creche are also included in the plans, with community and cultural spaces being provided on the ground floors of both blocks.
The project comprises:
180 one bed apartments , 226 two bed apartments and 2 three bed apartments
A creche, 1720 sqm of arts, community and cultural uses, and a 1433sqm public park
268 car parking spaces, 13 motorcycle spaces, 858 bicycle parking spaces
For more information visit :
Full details of the LRD application, once lodged will be made available here.
This application seeks to replace an existing planning permission for Blocks 5 and 6 with a broadly identical development, taking into account new objectives and policies of the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028.
The LDA has a dedicated Community Liaison Officer (CLO) which can be contacted through the email address below
Contact us
Clongriffin Public Information Document available here.