Estimated number of homes
219 (42 houses and 177 apartments).
Current status
Construction of Phase 1 - 98 Units and Phase 2 - 121
Next step
Project Description
The Devoy Barracks site extends to approximately 4.14 hectares. It is located on John Devoy Road, to the southwest of Naas Town Centre, and immediately to the west of Kildare County Council’s headquarter offices and associated car parking area.
Access to the site is from an existing access on the John Devoy Road on the southern boundary with a proposed pedestrian access provided to the east, and potential future pedestrian and cycle connection opportunities located to the north, west and east of the site.
The site is bounded to the south and west by established residential developments, including Arconagh to the west which comprises principally of detached and semi-detached two-storey dwellings. East of the site is Kildare County Council Offices and the MERITS (Mid-Eastern Region Innovation Think Space) building, which is currently under construction. The Kildare Civil Defence Building is located to the south-east.
Key towns, such as Naas are defined as large economically active county towns, with high quality transport links that play an important service role for their catchments and that have the capacity to act as growth drivers to complement Dublin and the Regional Growth Centres.
A Strategic Housing Development planning permission was approved in October 2022 for the development of the Devoy Barracks site is for the construction of 219 new homes, comprising of a mix of terraced houses, duplexes, apartments, a creche, and all ranging in height from 2 to 5 storeys. The planning application documentation is available here: https://devoynaasshd2.ie/
The LDA will deliver an attractive and well connected new residential development at the former Devoy Barracks which will provide a mix of social and affordable homes.
Construction is underway for the entire development, which comprises of 219 homes 42 no. terraced houses and 177 no. duplex and apartment units with Andrews Construction Ltd. A project specific mail address has been setup - [email protected] to address any queries through the construction phase.
Devoy Barracks, Naas, Kildare

Devoy Barracks, Naas, Kildare