Estimated number of homes
Current status
Public Consultation
Next step
Consultation Stage
Project Description
The Land Development Agency (LDA) has published draft plans for a new affordable and social housing development at Kinsealy in North County Dublin.
The proposed scheme will deliver 193 two and three-bedroom homes on the site of the former Teagasc Research Centre. The land is being transferred by the State’s Agriculture and Food Development Authority to the LDA for the development of affordable housing.
The homes will comprise a mix of houses, duplexes and own-door apartments - suitable for families, first time buyers and older people - as well as a creche, landscaped open spaces, and new pedestrian and cycle greenway links. The homes will be made available for sale through the Local Authority Affordable Purchase Scheme or as social homes.
The proposed new development is located between Clarehall and Malahide, close to Dublin Airport, with excellent bus links on the Malahide Road and train connections from Portmarnock DART station. Clarehall and Northern Cross shopping and retail centres are nearby.
In line with our Community and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy, the LDA is now seeking views from the local community on the draft proposals to inform the planning application and is encouraging local residents, businesses and community groups to engage and contribute to the design process.
The LDA has a dedicated Community Liaison Officer (CLO) which can be contacted through the email address below
Contact us: [email protected]
See the public information document below
LDA Kinsealy Public Information Document November 2024
Public Drop In Consultation Clinic
Date: Tuesday 26th November 4pm – 8pm
Location: St. Nicholas of Myra National School, Malahide Road, Co Dublin