Section 53 Notices – Proposal to Dispose of relevant public land.
Under Section 53 of the LDA Act, a relevant public body shall not dispose of relevant public land unless the body has given notice and offered the land for sale to the LDA first. This requirement is to ensure that any relevant public land being disposed of is assessed to see if it is fit for use for the purposes of the LDA Act, primarily the provision of affordable and social housing.
- Relevant public land is defined in the LDA Act, as all land within a census town owned by a relevant public body. A census town is any urban area with a population over 10,000 accurate to the latest census information.
- A relevant public body is defined in the LDA Act to include Schedule 1 bodies - non-commercial public bodies / agencies and government departments; Schedule 2 bodies - commercial public bodies / agencies; and Local Authorities.
Section 53 of the Act (Proposal to dispose of relevant public land) outlines the requirement of a relevant public body to consult with the LDA prior to disposing of any relevant public land.
Section 53 states:
- A relevant public body shall not dispose of relevant public land unless the body has given notice under subsection (2) and offered the land for sale to the Agency within the period of 12 months immediately prior to the disposal.
- A relevant public body shall give notice to the Agency of its intention to dispose of relevant public land and shall provide to the Agency any information sought by it in relation to the land concerned.
- The Agency shall assess whether the relevant public land is fit for use for the purposes of this Act, and, having regard to the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e) of section 52(3) and any information provided to the Agency under subsection (2), shall decide to acquire or refuse to acquire that land.
- The Agency shall decide under subsection (3), and give notice to the relevant public body concerned of the decision, within eight weeks of the latter of either of the following occurring:
- receipt of a notice under subsection (2);
- receipt of information requested under subsection (2).
Role of a Relevant Public Body
A Section 53 notice shall be submitted to the LDA using the submission form below. Adequate information shall be provided to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the site can be carried out by the LDA, this should include:
- The ownership details of the land(s);
- Location of the land(s) i.e. address, google maps link, Eircode, folio number, etc.
- The area of the land(s) being disposed or;
- Detailed information on the reasons for disposal of the land(s), including any contract commitments for the site, information regarding any leasehold interests, etc.;
- A red line boundary map of the land(s);
- Any other relevant information the LDA may require to assess the land(s).
Role of the LDA
The LDA shall assess whether the relevant public land is fit for use for the purposes of the LDA Act 2021, and, having regard to the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e) of section 52(3) of the LDA Act, shall decide to acquire or refuse to acquire that land.
The matters referred to is Section 52 (3), of which each piece of lands will be assessed to, include:
- the objectives of the development plan and local area plan in force for the area where the land is situated;
- any masterplan affecting the land;
- the potential for development of the land in conjunction with contiguous sites that also constitute relevant public land;
- the cost of provision of infrastructure and development costs estimated by the LDA to be associated with the use to which the land may be put;
- the priority, having regard to the nature of the land, proposed to be given to its development relative to other relevant public land and the period within which that development is could take place;
The LDA may request further information to properly assess whether the relevant public land is fit for use for the purposes of the Act. Once all information has been reviewed, the LDA shall decide to acquire or refuse to acquire the land and give notice to the relevant public body concerned of the decision, within eight weeks of the original notice or of any further information.
A summary of all valid Section 53 notices received by the LDA will be submitted to government through in the Report on Relevant Public Lands.
Submit a Section 53 Notice
Please use the following form to submit a notice under Section 53 of the LDA Act to the LDA.
Please use the map below to outline the lands relevant to this notice. The LDA will respond within 8 weeks of receipt of a valid S53 notice. For further information or assistance with submitting a notice please contact [email protected]
Contact Us
For further information or assistance with submitting a notice please contact us.
[email protected]